And We didn’t give them (Prophets) the body which doesn’t eat food, nor were they immortal.
It is asked through verse 21: 34: “And We didn’t make any man immortal before you; so if you die, would they become immortal?” The Arabic Quran reading Fujjar who have deviated from Adhikr (the Straightpath) by following whims have various false opinions about the Truth. The soulless hypocrites are encouraging their heedless followers for following Fujjar books and thus they are making permissible for them the Hell (house of worthless) as explained in verses 14: 28-29. Some of them by quoting this (21: 8) verse even try to justify that Jesus is crucified. They are rejecting verses 4: 158 which says: “And due to their uttering that indeed we have killed Maseeh, the son of Maryam- Lord Allah’s Messenger, while they neither killed him nor crucified him; but it has seemed so to them, and indeed those who differ in his case are in a never-ending doubt; for them have no real knowledge about him except following the conjectures, and they didn’t kill him surely. Rather Lord Allah lifted him into Himself; and Allah is the Exalted, the Wise”. They are rejecting verse 4: 159 which says: “None among the people of the Book will be there without believing with him before his death, while on the Day of Judgment he will be witnessing against them”. They are rejecting verse 43: 61 which says that the second coming of Jesus is made the Knowledge of Doomsday. See explanation 6: 158; 15: 90-91 and 17: 81.